
TV Review - Outer Banks

March 13, 2023

Do you experience the effects of sharply denominated social class boundaries in your daily life? Do you feel that, because you were born into a certain set of economic conditions, you are constantly suppressed, oppressed, and exploited? Well fuck you, loser. You must grind harder. We all have the same 24 hours, and you need to start using yours to hustle faster and chase that bread like your life depends on it. Have you considered hunting for mythical treasures? Have you tried searching for ancient maps? Have you even attempted to crack secret codes and riddles? No? Well that’s why you’re poor, stupid.

Not every TV show that deals with class inequality needs to end with a revolution and a giant picture of Mao Zedong. But it’s kind of depressing for a show to basically say that if you don’t want to just accept your lot in life, you need to traverse multiple continents and grind your way into a sudden influx of cash. Outer Banks tries to tell us that inheritance produces massive inequality and that it can even make you a cartoonishly bad person. But the way to level the playing field is for the morally good poor people to hustle and find their own bags of money? So they could presumably pass it on to their children as inheritance? And further perpetuate the cycle?

I’m not even sure treasure hunting is any more meritocratic than generational wealth. It selects for people who spend a lot of time looking at old pieces of paper, instead of, I don’t know, contributing to society? And with the way these idiots keep getting their shit snatched from them by the bad guys, do they even deserve the treasure? Whatever. Instead of watching the new season I just scrolled through Rudy Pankow’s instagram and well that’s pretty much all I wanted anyway. 1/10